S4H Technologies will act as the maintainer of the free BMC firmware project and will provide updates based on the community output.
The free BMC firmware project is an initiative of S4H Technologies to open up technology for everybody to learn and evolve the standards. The project provides a source code bundle, which provides a bootstrap for anybody who is interested to build system management solutions for non-commercial purposes. The choices of operating system, BMC chip, platform and firmware extensions are left to the user of the engine to define and integrate.
S4H Technologies LLC
The Free BMC firmware project is intended to be released under GPLv3, to keep the spirit of free software foundations. Licensed commercial versions are available with S4H Technologies, where the source code does not have any GPL restrictions.
S4H Technologies will provide a single user license copy of the support documentations, How-To guides, white papers and training necessary for users to utilize the source code. Also, S4H Technologies provides services for creating solutions utilizing the free BMC firmware.
The planned launch of the source code for public download is slated for beginning of Q2'2015, but we welcome expert contributors who are familiar with the Server Management domain. They can send us email so we can provide them with a early copy of the source code for their review.
Please fill the form below stating your availability for reviewing and providing feedback.
Please use the Subject: "Free BMC Firmware Engine: Alpha Code Review"