S4H Technologies LLC
The S4H Open BMC Firmware Extensions FDK provides the ability to extend the system management capability without impacting the BMC Firmware Engine. The extensions includes new Commands, new thermal management, new communication channels and new sensors types and handlers.
The FDK includes
The S4H Open BMC Chip FDK provides the ability for the Chip Builders to develop Chip Support Packages that include drivers and Chip feature definitions that could be easily consumed by the Firmware Engine and Platform FDK.
The FDK includes
The solution provides the ability for customers who have the capability to develop their own commercial solutions for Server/Hardware Management and need development kits that would help them to move directly to their product specific requirements rather than spend time on standard components and features.
The Firmware Development Kit (FDK) suite includes
The firmware development kits are created with the view to easily adopt to any BMC Chips and Platform configurations and also allow any product-specific extensions to be done with minimal effort.
S4H Technologies has a yearly/bi-yearly subscription that will allow the customers to get the most updated source code and tools.
The Open Platform Management FDK provides the ability for platform builders to provide the platform layout, sensor, field replacement information and system management features definitions. The FDK needs at least the Chip FDK generated definition files to complete the development activities. Tools are included to generate the platform definition files and templates for any platform device drivers.
The FDK includes
S4H Technologies will provide a licensed copy of the support documentations, How-To guides, white papers and training necessary for our customers with a provision to define the required support during the licensing agreement.
The planned launch is set for Q2'2015 for Alpha release, but we welcome customers who are interested to be notified and want to discuss further on how to we can help to personalize the suite to meet the solution needs.
Please fill the form below with if you are looking for more information or if you want to be notified when the alpha release is available.
Please use the Subject: "S4H Open BMC Firmware Suite"
S4H Open Test Framework Support is a design-in approach to testing key features and functions, allowing the developers to tag the areas of the code for testing and data collection. The framework also provides the best-known method model for testing the solution. This framework includes a Master Test Plan template that provides almost all the features to be tested for the solution, which can be easily extended for any product-specific features.
S4H Open BMC firmware FDK Suite elements are licensed for commercial product development, with the ability for our customers to make any source code modifications, as long as they do not redistribute or sub-license the derived work. The license is granted with no royalty and one-time upfront cost for each product SKU. The licensing is negotiable, and we will ensure that customers needs are addressed effectively and efficiently.