If you want more information on how this model can help you to achieve a more reliable, Time-To-Market and cost-effective solution please contact us, we will be able to provide more information.
RICED™ stands for Requirements, Information, Collaboration, Expectations and Direction. The intent is to ensure that all stakeholders have understood the requirements, agree to collaborate, are ready to exchange information, set clear expectations and are fully committed to the direction of the product.
S4H RICED™ System Management Solution has a 2-step model, as described in the figure below
One of the key factors that causes the Server Management solution to fail to meet the solution expectation is due to lack of transparent process that helps all the stakeholders (End-Users, Platform Builders, Chip Builders, System Integrators, BIOS developers etc.) to collaborate and provide input that can generate a clean set of requirements, expectation and directions for the product that can get approval before starting the implementation.
It is well-known that all our existing Server Management standards and solutions are focused more on implementation and feature richness rather than what would be the most optimal and adequate solution to address the needs of the end-users.
S4H Technologies has developed a unique solution development model known as the RICED™ process that helps to easily collect all the attributes from all the stakeholders to build a digital solution experience, which helps to reduce ambiguity, unrealistic assumptions and expectations and help to generate a reliable, resilient and targeted solution. The process splits the variables of the solutions from the constants such as procedures, enabling the variables of the solutions to be modified to achieve a wide variety of platform solutions. The process allows the achievement of an aggressive product deployment target.
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